Cartooning for Peace / Donate


Why donate to Cartooning for Peace?


International network of committed press cartoonists, who fight with humour for the respect of cultures and freedoms, Cartooning for Peace needs your support!


Thanks to your donation, Cartooning for Peace can continue its work:

  • Promotion of press cartoons – Since its creation, Cartooning for Peace has been promoting press cartoons as a tool for information and democratic debate among the general public. As a content publisher, the organisation creates exhibitions, publications and offers regular editorial contributions in the media. As a forum for debate and ideas, it also organises events and conferences to bring together press cartoonists and the general public.
  • Education through and for press cartoons – Cartooning for Peace has always placed education through and for press cartoons and education in freedom of expression at the heart of its approach. The organisation regularly works in schools and out-of-schools settings and prisons. It uses smiles to raise awareness of society’s major problems, using the strong educational value of press cartoons. The organisation is a recognised content publisher, specialising in media and information education and education for citizenship and international solidarity.
  • Support to threatened press cartoonists – Defending cartoonists is one of the organisation’s key missions. While the Covid-19 crisis has been used as a pretext for censorship and the imprisonment of cartoonists around the world, threats against cartoonists continue to rise, with the Taliban takeover of Kabul, the invasion of Ukraine and the hardening of attitudes in certain countries all contributing significantly to this increase.




Your financial support for Cartooning for Peace, registered charity under French law (Association loi 1901) and recognized of public interest, is tax deductible, in France.

You can deduct 66% of the amount of your donation from your income tax (up to a limit of 20% of taxable income). For example, a donation of €50 entitles you to a tax deduction of €33, so your donation will only cost you €17.

For companies, 60% of the donation can be deducted from corporation tax.


You have a question about your donation? We are at your disposal, please feel free to contact us!



How to donate to Cartooning for Peace?